What’s Love Got to do With It? The True Meaning of Marriage

  1. Mom and Dad

****Disclaimer: I firmly believe in women having careers. I encourage it.

Marriage is a union between two people that biblically become one. It is a covenant between two people who confess their love in front of God, family, friends and each other.
Marriage will have its ups and downs but only those that are in love and are truly committed will survive. Love doesn’t allow you to intentionally hurt or say mean things to your spouse. That’s not of God. Anger only last for a moment because love prevails. You don’t focus on the negativity but see the beauty in your mate. Love carries you through the good AND bad times.
Your commitment to one another doesn’t allow strife to penetrate the marriage. It takes a strong Godly man, who is a leader, to keep his house in order because of His love for God, his wife, and children. The wife prays and uplifts her husband and has his back. She buffers situations; she runs her household in love. But, none of this can come to pass if the husband does not listen to counsel or seeks God for instruction. His love for God allows him to take pride in being the bread winner and he makes sure that his home is safe and secure.
“A man that finds a wife, finds a good thing AND finds favor in the Lord.”
In the 21st century, there are men who still find joy in taking care of their family and home.

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